The issues surrounding DMS: Why is electronic document management important for your company?

A Document Management System (DMS) is a tool that enables companies to manage their documents and information electronically. This solution is being increasingly taken up by companies as it makes it possible to store, share and manage documents in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.  

A DMS is a key process for any company that wants to optimise its productivity and efficiency. In this article, we will take a look at the issues surrounding DMS, the related challenges in implementing such a system and the advantages it may offer companies. 

I. The issues surrounding DMS

Data security

Data and document security is a major issue for companies that use DMS. Electronic documents must be stored securely to prevent any data loss or breach. Companies have to take measures to protect their electronic documents against viruses, hacking and cyber attacks.

Furthermore, data and document confidentiality must be maintained to ensure customer confidence and regulatory compliance.

Access to data and documents

Another important issue with DMS is access to documents. Companies must be able to rapidly retrieve documents they need and share them easily with data subjects, without having to look for physical documents in filing cabinets or cupboards.

DMS enables companies to store their documents in an organised manner and to grant access rights to different users. This makes it easier to share documents and improves collaboration between colleagues. A DMS solution saves time in processing documents, by automating certain tasks such as filing and retrieving documents.

Regulatory compliance

Regulatory compliance is also an important issue. Companies must be capable of complying with current regulations in their business sector. Electronic documents must be retained in accordance with the regulatory standards in force. A DMS solution makes it possible to store documents in a format that complies with these standards.

Collaboration and sharing documents

Collaboration and sharing documents is the last piece of the puzzle. DMS makes it possible to easily share documents with data subjects and improve collaboration between different departments. This optimises business processes and improves productivity.

II. The challenges in rolling out a DMS

Change management

Companies may find it difficult to roll out a DMS due to change management. Employees have to be trained in how to use the DMS and on how they must store and manage electronic documents. This involves changes to working methods, which employees may find difficult 

The individuals involves must be ready to learn and adapt to the new technology. Processes have to be revised, and habits changed. Change management may take time and often requires effective communication to explain the advantages of the DMS. 

Scanning of documents

Scanning documents is another challenge posed by the DMS. You have to scan all physical documents so they can be managed and stored electronically. This may take require quite a bit of time and resources for major companies.  

It is also important to ensure that all documents are scanned with sufficient quality to enable them to be used in the future.  

Scanning can be a tedious task, especially for companies that have thousands of documents to be digitised. Furthermore, scanning often requires specialised skills and equipment. 

Employee training

Employee training is another major challenge when rolling out a DMS. Employees have to be trained in how to use the new system, and also in new working methods. It is important to ensure that the employees understand how to use the DMS and how it can help them improve their work. 

III. The advantages of a DMS 

Despite all these challenges, let’s look at the advantages a DMS can offer a company and find out why a company may need to acquire a DMS solution.  

Optimisation of business processes

Once of the main advantages of a DMS is the optimisation of business processes. By using a DMS, companies can automate certain processes, which saves time and reduces the risk of errors. A DMS can also lead to better collaboration between the different departments in a company. 

Reduction in costs

A DMS can also help companies reduce their costs. By using a DMS, companies can reduce the costs associated with managing documents, such as the storage, printing and circulation of physical documents. A DMS can also help to reduce the costs associated with errors in processing documents. 

Improved productivity

A DMS can also improve employee productivity. By using a DMS, employees have quick and easy access to the documents they need, enabling them to work more efficiently. A DMS can also lead to better collaboration between employees, which improves the overall productivity of the company. 



In conclusion, a DMS boasts a number of advantages for companies, in particular in terms of productivity, security and cost. 

Rolling out a DMS system has a number of advantages for companies: 

  • Better organisation of documents: documents are stored in a centralised database, enabling them to be organised and retrieved more easily. 
  • Better document security: documents are stored securely, preventing them from being lost or accidentally destroyed. 
  • Better collaboration: documents can be shared easily between the different members of staff in the company, which fosters collaboration and team working. 
  • Better productivity: it is quicker and more efficient to retrieve and process documents, which helps save time for employees, making them more productive. 
  • Better regulatory compliance: documents can be archived and retained in accordance with the regulations in force, resulting in compliance with regulatory and legal standards. 


& Rolling out an efficient DMS strategy requires a few key steps.

Firstly, you have to define the aims of the DMS and align them with the overall aims of your company. Next, you have to select the right tools and the right technology to manage your documents. This may include digitisation software, online storage systems, optical character recognition software (OCR) and even online shared working tools. 

Once the tools and technologies have been selected, it is important to train your team members in how to use them. A DMS may prove to be complex and often requires training for it to be correctly rolled out and used.  

Lastly, it is important to closely monitor the performance of the DMS and implement continuous improvement processes to optimise the management of your document.  

To make this happen, it is up to you to select the company best placed to advise you and support you at every stage of this project.