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Your challenges

The transport and logistics sectors are highly competitive. Responsiveness and traceability are essential to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory obligations and therefore guarantee the transport contract.

This translates into numerous documents, required to ensure the comprehensive traceability process that starts from the customer, to the final delivery point. These documents are edited, filed and then stored: labels, delivery slips, customs authorisations, invoices, etc.

In the event of an inspection, claim or dispute, these documents must be available immediately, whether at headquarters, a subsidiary or a branch, in order to avoid penalties. This administrative management of documents is time-consuming, costly and incompatible with the responsiveness expected by the sector.

Editing high-quality, customised outbound documents is also an important issue for your sector to further set yourself apart from the competition. This provides real added value to your logistics organisation and a better image for your customers.

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Improving service quality

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time to market


Digitalising to improve performance

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Priority to collaborative tools and handling of upstream processes

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Source Geodis/les échos études (name of publication)

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Our promise

Efalia helps companies in the transport and logistics sector to optimise their document flows through the digitisation of their documents and associated processes.

Efalia supports its customers in the editing and production of high-quality outgoing documents (labels, delivery slips, etc.) using its output management solution. To scan, file and search for your documents, the Efalia content management solution enables you to meet all document requirements in terms of security, information sharing, accessibility and collaboration.

By digitising all the documents involved in the transport contract, you enable each stakeholder in the supply chain to easily and quickly access the various elements via a shared and secure space. The filing of the various documents can be completely automated from your supply chain or other TMS or WMS business software.

This means no more printing, loss of documents, sending and tracking by email.

Skilfully manage the compilation of files for a transport contract that is legally sound

Facilitate the search for and access to information

Simplify filing and archiving processes

Promote interdepartmental collaboration

Streamline processes with associated forms and workflows

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Documents that reflect you, and which are customised to better meet your customers' expectations

You score points against your competitors

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money loss

Administrative performance and cost savings

You can control the transport contract as well as all processes in your organisation

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Grow faster

Your organisation is agile and responsive to high growth

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Efalia Suite, digitisation for all services

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Enhance your sales performance

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Human resources

Digitise HR processes and documents

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General services

Validate and sign your documents

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Digitise financial processes and documents

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Request a demo

Because a demo is worth a thousand words, contact our experts for a personalised demonstration of our solution.

Use cases

Efalia Suite addresses the various issues in the transport and logistics sector thanks to a rich, modular and open functional coverage

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Transport contract

Digitise all transport documents

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Editing outgoing documents

Customise packages, returns labels

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Process automation

Complement your information system with agile processes that meet the requirements of business departments

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Contact us!

Whatever your problem, do not hesitate to ask our experts and make use of their expertise, coupled with their on-the-job experience.