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Sales enablement

The commercial performance of your sales teams is at the heart of your challenges. Gaining efficiency and simplifying the daily life of your sales staff is what a sales enablement solution is all about.

What is a sales enablement tool?

Your marketing and sales teams need to close sales faster and faster. This requires a search for efficiency.

Addressing the right content: Sales content and documents are centralised and must be frequently evaluated and corrected by sales and marketing teams to meet the expectations of your sales targets.

Contact the customer at the right time: Measuring the impact of proposals/documents is essential in the lead qualification and follow-up phase. Knowing a prospect’s/customer’s interest in a piece of content is valuable information for the sale.

A sales enablement solution can improve productivity and simplify the daily tasks of your sales force, provide marketing and sales teams with valuable data on content, but also score the interest of prospects. In addition, it enables the automatic exchange of up-to-date data (CRM, prospecting tool, scoring, etc.) between your departments to improve your sales.

time to market

Productivity and efficiency

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Speed and fluidity


Prospect-customer satisfaction


Evaluation and measurement

Sales enablement platform: for what needs?

A sales enablement tool is a versatile tool that addresses the key issues of sales representatives.

data share

Centralise and send

Business content

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magnifying glass

Predict/Score Interest


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Automate the processes

sales and easily manage data

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Sign and close deals


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Centralise, share & collaborate

In the business relationship, many documents are sent to your prospects/customers. They are created by your sales and marketing teams. White Papers, Product presentations, Business proposals, Quotes, Contracts, etc. Your content is sometimes duplicated in different software, in different versions, and not always accessible…

A sales enablement system centralises content in an online space. You can give your recipients access to this shared document space. There are many different benefits:

Simplified access to documents for your teams and recipients

Teams collaborate

Saving time and increased efficiency

Seamless experience for the recipient

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Track, analyse & discover your recipients’ interest score

A sales enablement system enables you to analyse the reading behaviour of your recipients, and to understand signs of interest and detect business opportunities. Also, you can analyse the quality of your documents and improve them thanks to the statistics collected.

A sales enablement tool provides:

Improved sales forecasting

Analysis and improvement of your documents

Measurement of the interest of your recipients

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Automate and improve your sales processes

When should you send a reminder to your customer or prospect? Do they need any additional information? To whom should you sent a reminder, and with what documents? It is often difficult to answer these questions and your sales teams waste time and efficiency in sending reminders to recipients, entering data into the various tools or evaluate prospects.

A sales enablement tool offers you many benefits:

Improved transformation rate: Triggering the right actions at the right time

Action automation

Directly entered data

Better knowledge of the prospect

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Have your documents filled out and signed remotely!

The purchase process must be frictionless for your recipient. Each time you communicate with your recipient defines your business relationship. To complete contracts, remotely, or sign them often involves many email exchanges with attachments. Your teams become less efficient and the user experience is not smooth.

With a sales enablement solution, you enables your customers and recipients to complete the documents and sign electronically while taking note of their signs of interest in real time. In addition, you can consolidate your sales and finance departments.

Thanks to sales enablement tools, you can provide:

Smooth experience for your customers and prospects

Remote and easy signature

"Digital and innovative" brand image

Smooth business relationship

What benefits can you expect from sales enablement software?

A sales enablement solution is a performance booster: its return on investment manifests itself at multiple levels.

time management



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your customers' interest more effectively

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collaboration between the marketing and sales teams

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Increased efficiency

The use of a sales enablement tool reduces the time spent searching for information and updating customer data.

Sales teams benefit from automated actions and analytics that allow them to focus on their core task of selling and allocate more time for the business relationship.

Work comfort and productivity are improved, with a significant impact on the transformation rate and number of sales.

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Spark your customers' interest more effectively

By using a sales enablement solution, your marketing and sales teams better understand the expectations of prospects and customers and can offer a personalised relationship and experience with less effort.

The customer has a smooth experience, is contacted at the right time with the right content.

You can provide a seamless, personalised experience for your prospect/customer and improve the quality of service provided by your business.

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Encourage collaboration between the marketing and sales teams

The amount of documents, content and information you exchange is vast. Yet they have real value for your business and represent a potential competitive advantage. However they are often forgotten.

A sales enablement tool provides better management and use of this asset and contributes to the creation of value for the customer and the company.

The essential functional bricks of sales enablement

Sales support software has a number of essential functional modules that complement each other for a successful sales process.

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Multi-channel document collection and dematerialisation


Classification into projects and compilation of files


Lead qualification and Next best actions


Remote signing

contact form

Have the shared document completed

Traceability and safety

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Data analysis, statistics and reporting


Integration with CRM

Request a demo

Because a demo is worth a thousand words, contact our digitisation experts for a personalised demonstration of our solutions.


B2B decision makers prefer sales interactions


more time1 spent with customers


time spent on non-sales tasks


of employees cannot find the information they need

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Whatever your problem, do not hesitate to contact our experts