Why don’t you adopt digital staff files?

Human resources management is one of the most paper-intensive activities in your organisation.


Confidentiality concern

ico doc

Difficult to search for information

Unsecured information sharing

Digitisation of HR files is therefore the best solution to reduce your expenses, save you time while improving your performance and the security of your employees’ information and personal data.

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Increased security and performance

The digital staff file is the central tool for human resources management. It will allow you to organise, manage and secure all the documents necessary for personalised tracking of each employee in your organisation. This therefore involves transforming all your employees’ paper documents into digital media: pay slips, absence requests, employment contracts, internal regulations, expense reports, leave requests, etc.

Initialised at the time of hiring, the employee’s personal file includes the following elements as soon as it is created:

The identity of the employee: personal details, social security number, etc., with the associated documents (ID card, social security certificate, bank details, etc.),

Documents related to their employment: pre-recruitment declaration, mutual fund and provident statements, employment contract, degrees, etc.

Some documents can be confidential and others shared with the training department or the employee’s manager, for example.

By managing staff files electronically, you see immediate benefits:

Instantly search for information about an employee,

A 360° overview of the HR file,

Share certain information with other departments (degrees and training, etc.),

Restricted access to some confidential information (occupational health and sick leave, etc.),

Controlled access to certain documents for clearly identified profiles (one-to-one interview sheet and leave request, etc.).

A content management solution facilitates the management of HR documents, by offering the HR Department access to the information required for their assignments  in a single space, without increasing the company’s number of applications.

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Make it easier to update the employee file

The digital staff file is constantly updated, either directly by your HR team, automatically from your HRIS, or by other authorised departments. It therefore remains constantly up-to-date throughout the employee’s presence in your organisation with: 

Addenda to the employment contract,

Requests for leave and absences,

Notices of sick leave,

The prevention documents for certain occupational risk factors,

Documents relating to training sessions completed by the employee,

Data relating to annual appraisals (date of appraisals, targets and reports),

Requests for down payments or advances,

All correspondence between the employee and the company (e.g. training request, justified refusal of the company, etc.),

Any penalties imposed on the employee.

Finally, in the event of departure, the file will be closed with the following additional elements:

The resignation letter or all letters related to the employment contract termination procedure

Final settlement statement, signed by the employee as well as their employment certificate,

Unemployment agency certificate,

Why choose Efalia ECM?



Digitisation of HR documents, and possibility of extending this to other areas (finance, quality, etc.) and enriching it with other functions (workflow, signature, etc.)

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You can configure the filing plan of the staff file according to your rules and specifications.

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Every document is secure and tracked. You manage authorisations.

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Platform open to the outside, easily integrated with an HRIS or business applications.

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Why digitise the HR file?

time to market

Time saving and efficiency

green earth

Reduction in the use of paper


Accessibility anywhere and anytime

HR Information Security

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