We are convinced that simplified access to information, its sharing through collaborative work processes, its distribution and its management are one of the performance challenges of modern organizations.
To respond to this change, we offer long-term support to companies facing this challenge with their digitisation strategy. To deliver this, we offer an agile, scalable, flexible and secure software suite that covers every step and requirement in terms of content management.
We are an ISV and an expert in digital documents and processes. Every day, we streamline the administrative management of public and private organisations.
We offer a powerful, flexible and scalable software suite that helps organisations simplify access to information, share knowledge and facilitate automated workflow processes. We are keen to meet all our customers’ requirements in terms of digital documents and processes, and this is why we now offer solutions capable of meeting the various issues that we’ll be faced with over the coming years: electronic invoicing, automation of business processes, user relationship management, document management, electronic signature, interactive document composition, document tracking and certified digital safes.
To ensure we offer our customers the best solutions, we invest more than 25% of our turnover in R&D every year to enrich our solutions and extend our software suite.
The digital solutions market is evolving, Efalia is positioned as a major player in the future consolidation of this market.
ScanFile International Ltd was formed in 1998 to handle the sales of the Spielberg Software GmbH ScanFile product to its sole distributor Canon UK. The company traded until May 2006. During this period many changes took place with Canon relinquishing its distribution agreement and Spielberg Solutions GmbH releasing the new FileDirector product in 2002.
It was decided to harmonise the company names in 2006 hence the change to Spielberg Solutions Ltd. During this period the distribution network in the UK was established to its current form.
Spielberg Solutions GmbH along with Spielberg Solutions Ltd. was acquired by Efalia in May 2020 and on 5th January 2023 Spielberg Solutions became Efalia Ltd.
This operation will enable Efalia to pursue its ambitious growth strategy, focusing on two main areas: the provision and development of innovative solutions (AI, Business Intelligence, Data Visualization in particular) and the expansion of its presence in Europe (through both organic and external growth).
Efalia strengthens its software offering for the public sector with Fluicity, a citizen consultation platform, and ODYSSÉE INGÉNIERIE, specialized in collaborative multi-channel information management.
Acquisition of Mapping suite, an output management solution, making Efalia one of the major French players in the sector. Acquisition of Tilkee and its sales enablement software offer. We can offer our customers a tracking and management component for outgoing documents.
Efalia strengthened its equity portfolio to pursue its targeted external growth policy and enable its international development.
Efalia acquired Spielberg GmbH, expanding internationally with a subsidiary in Germany and England. Launch of our TRUST partnership programme. Initial certification of the Efalia Safe digital safe.
Efalia strengthened its software offer for the public sector by purchasing the first user relationship management solution certified by ANSSI.
Efalia opened its first agency, with the creation of a subsidiary in Lausanne, aiming to offer all the company's solutions and associated support.
Efalia expands its software offering with the acquisition of APPIC, a desktop publishing solution specializing in document composition. At the same time, Efalia acquires Workey, a Business Process Management solution, to offer a BPM module to complement its EDM software offering. With these two acquisitions, Efalia now has over 2,000 customers.
of sales invested in R&D